Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bio Wash Method

You may have noticed that the cami and cap sleeve in our new line state that they are BIO WASHED. Now I have had a lot of questions on what exactly this means. So let me explain!


It is a great alternative to those detergents that are full of lots of harmful chemicals. BIO-WASH consists of natural soap suds, natural cloth conditioners, natural color fixers, and natural brightening agents.

What difference does BIO-WASH make?

* Using a BIO-WASH actually makes the shirts quite a bit softer. It is more gentle so it helps clothing have a longer fabric life. Chemical detergents are harsh on your clothes. BIO-WASH also maintains the color, luster, and shine of your clothes much longer than chemical soaps. It also washes your garments amazingly soft and clean.

* Having the shirts BIO-WASHED protects your skin from various ailments such as acne, allergy, eczema, chronic itching, etc. that can be caused by chemicals found in other washes. BIO-WASH is entirely chemical free.

*BIO-WASH maintains and preserves the color of your shirts at a higher level. The color of your clothes will be well protected – in fact colors will now be maintained for a longer period of time.

How does BIO-WASH help the environment?

Using BIO-WASH on our new cap tees and cami helps cut back on hazardous chemicals found in other detergents. This makes a huge impact on the environment by reducing our carbon footprint as a company.


  1. Thanks for the info on the bio wash! I can't wait to see the difference for myself.

  2. thank for the valuable information.

  3. A few fabric suppliers are selling fabrics saying it's bio washed and having more polyester blend, as if biowash is a name of a pirtucular quality of hosiery. How does that work out ?

  4. A few fabric suppliers are selling fabrics saying it's bio washed and having more polyester blend, as if biowash is a name of a pirtucular quality of hosiery. How does that work out ?

  5. Basically bio wash enzymes only react with cotton that means with celluloses, not with polyester. Polyester Protruding fibres will not be removed the fabric, only cotton fibres will be Poly rich fabrics with Bio wash is not workable.

  6. Basically bio wash enzymes only react with cotton that means with celluloses, not with polyester. Polyester Protruding fibres will not be removed the fabric, only cotton fibres will be Poly rich fabrics with Bio wash is not workable.
