Friday, August 7, 2009

Finding the RIGHT Pair of Jeans

You know I am a huge fan of jeans--how versitle they are, such a blank but hot canvas for you to create a fabulous outfi. The problem is so many ladies don't know the right jeans for their body type, which makes it hard for them to pull off the rest of their outfit!

Image via

The following are a few tips to help send you in the right direction:

1. When you have a little extra love in the stomach area it is hard to find the right pair of jeans. If they are too high-rise you look squeezed into them and if they are too lowrise you have that horrid overhang. You need a pair that sits nicely on your HIPS.

2. Even just five years ago finding jeans that were long enough for tall or long-legged women was hard! Then it got to the point where you could find them online but it was a pain to send them back if they didn't work. Finally stores have a great selection of jeans that are long enough so you don't look as if you've grown out of your clothes! You can find pairs that have LONGER INSEAMS. Jeans really should hit the mid part of your foot to look fabulous.

3. If you are looking to create the illusion you actually have a "rear" then this tip is for you! When you DON'T wear the right type of jeans you look baggy and frumpy in the behind and is is so unflattering! You need HIGHER DETAILED POCKETS. These are SO easy to find! Hit up Nordstrom and the Buckle for starters. It will create the illusion that you do in fact have a cute rear!

4. One of the most common body types for us mothers is the pear shape. It can create a "gaping waist" problem when you have on the wrong pair of jeans. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT let us see you in tapered jeans; they make the problem so much worse! Buy yourself a trouser style, boot-cut style or even flare (but don't go crazy) style. This will give you a sexy hourglass figure.

5. Finally, the issue most personal for me: how to find jeans for petite ladies. We are always swimming in the pant length, and to be honest the stores that do carry petite styles are often not as cute as the other half of the store and the selection is seriously lacking. So, ladies...find a pair of jeans you love in every other aspect, suck it up and GET THEM TAILORED. We also look hot in slim-fitting boot cut jeans!

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